Pa’ luego es tarde

By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! This almost didn’t get published, didn’t make it to the editor. It barely missed going to print because BB forgot to press send. That, after the initial corre corre, had Babushka thinking in circles. Ok si, a natural flight of thought talvez, but it started…

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

This almost didn’t get published, didn’t make it to the editor. It barely missed going to print because BB forgot to press send. That, after the initial corre corre, had Babushka thinking in circles. Ok si, a natural flight of thought talvez, but it started BB pensando of all the other instances in life that we don’t “press send”.

You know, the times we think of things to do, what we’d like to do sometime, someday.  Those things that are wishful thinking. Beautifuls, the wishful turns into wasteful if not carried through. Time is not our amigo on this one. Before we know it, la oportunidad has gone and the chance of it returning as we had pictured is not in our favor. The visions of our mañanas are but flashes in the pan and never pan out. This, is of our choosing. You will never achieve what you never do or truly go after. Consider this your poke to stop procrastination.

To ayudar, a visual for you.

“This is a round tuit. Guard it with your life! Tuits are hard to come by, especially the round ones. It will help you become a much more efficient worker. For years you’ve heard people say “I’ll do that when I get a round tuit.” So now that you have one, you can accomplish all those things you put aside until you got a Round Tuit.” 

As you can see, this has been a human trait since the beginning of time,so don’t feel bad about it. This is not a new sentiment by any stretch, pero ahora it’s fall and another year almost over. Don’t let another snowflake melt. Pa’ luego es tarde.

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.

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