Songs of the Season

Songs of the Season By Bohemian Babushka HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! This is a guest post BB did for the TikiTiki blog in 2011 and I share it with hopes of smiles of the temporada. ♪♫ Si-i-lent Night, Ho-o-ly Night.  All is calm, All is bright♪♫ As a child I remember being…

Songs of the Season

By Bohemian Babushka

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! This is a guest post BB did for the TikiTiki blog in 2011 and I share it with hopes of smiles of the temporada.

♪♫ Si-i-lent Night, Ho-o-ly Night.  All is calm, All is bright♪♫

As a child I remember being enchanted and entranced by the haunting music of Silent Night.  Not only was the melody so peaceful and calming, but the lyrics spoke of a dreamlike world, one that could only live in my imagination.  Silent?  Calm?  In a Cuban household?  JU SO FONII !!!

Bueno, we did get the “bright” part of it right.  Ok, ok, si, I know, I found out years later that this song is also in Spanish; I didn’t know that and thought it must be a school song because it definitely didn’t reflect any Christmas I had ever known.  And how about “White Christmas” or the ever popular, “Winter Wonderland”?  Niñita de Miami, I knew these had to be make-believe- kinda like Frosty the Snowman. Now, the Little Drummer Boy- at least that one had a drum in it and I could relate.

As an adult I of course enjoy a slew of holiday songs, with topics ranging from sleighbells to sentimental.  However, my First Spanish Christmas song will always be my all time favorite, Mi Burrito Sabanero. The classic version of this song is the one we played in our fiestas Navideñas, and no one sat when this was on, everyone danced, young and old.  ♫♪Tuqui, Tuqui, Tuqui, Tuqui, Tuqui, Tuqui, Tuqui, Tu ♫♪  Isn’t this the perfect Christmas song?  It tells the story of Christ’s birth, es bailable, the voice of the little boy pulls at the heart strings, and it’s even a bit comical if you visualize it.

The Little Drummer Boy done up Latin Style.  Come on now, can’t you just see that burrito trotting hurriedly to see the King while the claymation Little Drummer Boy is being jostled up and down? Now you know the real reason he was so serious in that show…

Esta bien, it’s true, I’m a child of the sixties, but you have to admit, the visual will get you smiling.  And isn’t that what the songs of the season should have you do?  So be it for glorifying or gratitude, joy or joyful memories, sing and celebrate from the heart the true reasons for the season.

Babushka Besos a todos.  Cuidensen.

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