Will America survive?

By Sheryl Boldt Is America imploding? Is there any hope for our divided nation? Immediately following 9/11, I cringed every time I heard a plane fly overhead. Like so many others, I prayed for our nation’s survival. That frightful event’s only bright spot was that it brought our nation together…

By Sheryl Boldt

Is America imploding? Is there any hope for our divided nation?

Immediately following 9/11, I cringed every time I heard a plane fly overhead. Like so many others, I prayed for our nation’s survival.

That frightful event’s only bright spot was that it brought our nation together – for a short while. Twenty years have passed since that horrible day. Sadly, America is becoming more divided than ever.

But are we truly each other’s enemies?

It seems that thin skin is in vogue, especially regarding politics – and, sadly, even among friends and family. Why are we so divided? Is this divisiveness a byproduct of terror? Has our fear caused us to turn on each other?

Regardless of its cause, we can rise above this distrust and hatred.

We can begin by finding ways to serve our families, churches and communities. If we have financial means or good, old-fashioned physical strength, we can help the elderly and the disabled. Or look for ways to help those who have suffered property damage from the recent storms or fires – even if we end up helping those with whom we disagree. 

Would people who are trapped in a flooded house ask about the rescuer’s political affiliation before accepting his or her help? Would parents holding their infant child saved from a burning home, resent the hero’s kindness because he or she was in favor of closing the borders? Wouldn’t the many elderly and disabled people in our own communities welcome help, even if their benefactor favored the “wrong” political party?

Romans 12:20 (AMPC) reminds us how we are to treat our enemies (or those whom we consider our enemies): “But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink.” 

Aren’t these words compelling?

How would our country change if each of us strove to obey Romans 12:20? Something as simple as meeting the needs of our “enemies” could transform our nation – while changing the hearts of those served and those doing the serving.

If the United States is to survive, we must unite as a people. I have a feeling we’re going to need each other even more in the future.

Sheryl H. Boldt is the author of the blog, www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net. Connect with her at

[email protected].

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