Your Thoughts Have Power

Take the time to analyze your thoughts when negativity or untruth comes through. Get up, move, and see

By Barbara Britt,, 850-621-7709;[email protected]

“When you stop growing, you start dying.” 

William S. Burroughs

Each and every day we are all in transition in our lives. This is something to celebrate and get excited about.However, how many of us find ourselves held in the grip of FEAR? The What-Ifs can stop our flow of creativity,our genius, and, most importantly, of reaching our potential. Think of your time on Earth as a gift that allows you to benefit from all the opportunities you will receive, the lives you will touch, and the legacy you will leave behind.

Let’s review a few factors that control the What-Ifs. You can change the dominant frequency of your thoughts by realizing when you are using your conscious mind versus your subconscious mind. Conscious thoughts have tremendous power and allow us to use our creativity. Have you ever had a thought or idea that you were excited about only to have it shot completely down by a negative thought that came from your subconscious mind?

The conscious mind is where thinking, logic, reasoning, and creativity come from. The subconscious mind is a deeper level receptacle where repetitive thoughts form by feelings and emotions that live and give substance to conscious action. Your subconscious mind is an unquestioning servant. It works day and night to make your behavior fit a pattern consistent with your emotional thoughts. The subconscious mind cannot tell what is true or not, what has value or not, and always reverts back to preconceived results from the past. Since we are controlled by things that were put there before we could develop our conscious or reasoning mind, these thoughts have very little to do with truth or reliability.

Consequently, if you permit negative subconscious thoughts that are not based on data driven results or even truth at all, you allow those thoughts to control your destiny. You do have the power to program your thoughts to enable your stay in a Dominant Frequency of what is possible. This ability does not come to you by chance, rather something that has to be intentionally driven every day. You have to work the conscious mind like you work the muscles in your body. Take the time to really reason your experiences, and think, not just parrot what you hear or see on TV, social media or in daily interactions.

Dedicate time every day to intentionally grow, create, and build. When those What-Ifs from your subconscious emerge, really look at them for what they are. You will find that there is very little or no value in them at all. Then take that time to build in action steps with your thoughts and creations. 

Here are some steps next time F.E.A.R comes calling: 

F – Future Success

E – Energy Empowerment Movement

A – Accountability

R – Results

Take the time to analyze your thoughts when negativity or untruth comes through. Get up, move, and see it has no bases on who you are today.If you are interested in taking this into a deeper dive, I recommend you sign up for “Women in Transition.” It is a four-part series that will help you conquer F.E.A.R once and for all. 

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