Get moving, five minutes at a time

Get moving, five minutes at a time By Sheryl H. Boldt I struggle with managing my time. It seems I always have. Some days are better than others; however, other days are far worse than others. What about you? Do you need an extra push to begin a project or…

Get moving, five minutes at a time

By Sheryl H. Boldt

I struggle with managing my time. It seems I always have. Some days are better than others; however, other days are far worse than others. What about you? Do you need an extra push to begin a project or to finish one?

How often do you see a sink full of dirty dishes and suddenly feel too tired to deal with them? Or you know you need to write that dissertation, but the enormity of the project repels you. So, you end up watching another episode of your favorite TV show or you check to see what’s happening on Facebook – again.

Would you manage to get more work done if you were to commit to just five minutes on a project? I magically find the energy to begin tackling almost any task when I set my timer for five minutes and see how much I get done before the timer goes off. Often, that’s all I need to get rolling.

If I have several tasks I need to accomplish, I make a list and rotate the items on it; such as: making a list of contacts I need to call the next day, picking up the clutter around the house (not that I have that much!) or paying my bills. I’ll set my timer for five, fifteen, thirty or sixty minutes, depending on how I’m feeling about each one, and take turns working on each of them.

This also works for something you’ve been putting off, such as your taxes or writing thank you notes. Throughout the day, set the timer and make another dent. God addresses the value of good time management, such as in Proverbs 10:4: “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth” (NIV 1984).

The goal is to consistently make encouraging progress. Even if you don’t complete the task, you’ll go to bed feeling encouraged, thanking God for what you did accomplish. How much can you get done in five, fifteen, thirty or sixty minutes? Set your timer and see how it can change your day!

Sherry is the author of the blog, She can be reached at [email protected].

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