The holidays are here amigos! It is a great part of the year and I know for sure businesses are gearing up to make as much money as they can! Nothing wrong with that and we pray that all our advertisers and our nation’s businesses, especially the small businesses, do…

The holidays are here amigos! It is a great part of the year and I know for sure businesses are gearing up to make as much money as they can! Nothing wrong with that and we pray that all our advertisers and our nation’s businesses, especially the small businesses, do very well this year.

But, this season is about much more than that, it is the season of giving, of family and of traditions. It amazes me sometimes how our nation has become so “politically correct” that in some places, one cannot even put up a MERRY CHRISTMAS sign or sing carols.

Our nation finds itself arguing about such things and in the meantime, the nation that has welcomed immigrants from all corners of the world, the one that gives those immigrants and their descendants the RIGHT for them to believe what they want, to keep the religion that they wish to keep, and to pray to whichever god they want, finds itself under attack constantly for supposedly being full of intolerant people. That is not just unfair, but also not true!

Unfortunately, at present, those that aim to divide us based on political affiliation, religion and race, are hard at work! I personally think it is shameful for politicians, pundits, celebrities, leaders and even regular joes and janes to do that, to mock each other, spread lies and innuendo, and especially during political season to give more importance to their party affiliation than to being an AMERICAN!

To the enemies of this nation, there is no distinction between Republican, Democrat or Independent, no distinction for skin color nor religion, our enemies seek to destroy AMERICA and what it stands for. If we are UNITED and ready to confront their ideology, if we are UNITED in confronting them economically or militarily, they have no chance whatsoever!

Our front cover picture is my personal way to thank our military, our best “weapon” against those that aim to hurt our families and our land. They are regular men and women, proud Americans, who VOLUNTEER to spend holidays at places that 98% of Americans, will never get a chance to go to.

I am thankful for many things, God is wonderful, but I am very thankful for our military men and women.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all, a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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