Hispanic Americans: “Energizing Our Nation’s Diversity”

  Hispanic Americans: “Energizing Our Nation’s Diversity” By David Triana Each year, the period of September 15 – October 15 is used to recognize the contributions made and the important presence of Hispanic Americans to the United States, while also celebrating their heritage and culture.  The title of this piece…


Hispanic Americans: “Energizing Our Nation’s Diversity”

By David Triana

Each year, the period of September 15 – October 15 is used to recognize the contributions made and the important presence of Hispanic Americans to the United States, while also celebrating their heritage and culture.  The title of this piece is this year’s theme.

At present, Hispanics number nearly 55 million, they are the largest minority in the United States at 17% and Florida has over 4.2 million Hispanics, which equates to 22% of its population.

With a tremendous purchasing power estimated at 1.2 TRILLION and growing, without a doubt, Hispanics play a huge role in the economy of our great nation!

Even more importantly, the economy of our future will be impacted by Hispanics, because young Hispanics (ages 18- 44) control over 60% of ALL Hispanic buying power!  A large percentage of individuals in this age range is fully bilingual and they have a tremendous impact on the entertainment, apparel and children’s items industries.

The present observance period was chosen as Hispanic Heritage Month because it encompasses the independence from Spain of Latin nations like Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chile.  Additionally, Columbus Day (known in Latin America as Dia de la Raza) falls on the second Monday in October.

Hispanic is not a race, but a term created in 1970 in the US to lump together people who have a connection to the Spanish-speaking countries of the world.  The term is really just a convenient way of describing a large, heterogeneous group of people rich in diversity and cultural subtleties.

They are a mix of European, African and Native American people.  They are black, white, brown and all shades in between and every single one of the twenty countries they or their relatives hail from is represented in the Emerald Coast.

Hispanics have been a part of The UNITED States of America and our area for centuries and have played a critical role in its economy, its national defense and in helping make our nation the greatest in history.  We hope you will join us, and in UNITY, celebrate those contributions!

Conexión will host a “Hispanic Heritage Month” launching activity on September 15, 5 – 7pm at the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce’s Conference Room.  The event is open to all Chamber members.  A special presentation, “Marketing To and Understanding Hispanics”, will take place, and there will be Latin food, music and door prizes!  Non-chamber members may attend “by invitation only” and must call (850) 368-3505 if interested in attending.


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