Editorial July 2015

One half of 2015 is gone and this month, we celebrate the Independence of our great nation! By the time you read this, the celebration would have taken place and I pray everyone has had a chance to ponder the great fortune all of us have to be living in…

One half of 2015 is gone and this month, we celebrate the Independence of our great nation! By the time you read this, the celebration would have taken place and I pray everyone has had a chance to ponder the great fortune all of us have to be living in this great nation called the UNITED States of America! I put the word UNITED in capital letters because UNITY and the meaning of this word is, in my humble opinion, is one of the biggest things lacking in our land at present and that I hope and pray will be the one thing that all of us, regardless of race, ethnicity or creed, will keep in mind and do better at as it relates relationships amongst our people.
Without UNITY, a nation as varied as this will surely suffer and it causes the United States of America to seem “weak”, and thus the tyrants of the world take advantage in order to wreak havoc and destruction amongst their own nations and world-wide.
The UNITED States is the ONLY nation in the world that is able to confront, due to our economic power and military might, any and all tyrants who seek to enslave their people, we are the nation that the enemies of Liberty most fear, when we are strong and UNITED.
UNITY, a most important factor in a nation as varied as ours. Let us all be proud AMERICANS first and then, for sure, be proud of our varied backgrounds and cultures.
We thank everyone for making Conexión a newspaper that can ONLY be produced month in and month out, by the UNITY that our collaborators believe in and we thank our advertisers for making that possible and we thank you, the reader, for picking up copies of Conexión at your favorite pick-up point!
May God Bless everyone and May God continue to bless the UNITED States of America!

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