Hola Tio Sam and Felicidades on your 239th birthday!

Hola Tio Sam and Felicidades on your 239th birthday! by Bohemian Babushka https://www.facebook.com/BBabushka The stories you can tell are numerous and so far reaching that it boggles the mind and spirit; the amount of people you’ve taken into your home!! Just in Babushka’s immediate family we’ve been over 25 initially…

Hola Tio Sam and Felicidades on your 239th birthday!
by Bohemian Babushka
The stories you can tell are numerous and so far reaching that it boggles the mind and spirit; the amount of people you’ve taken into your home!! Just in Babushka’s immediate family we’ve been over 25 initially and now with children, nietos, biznietos, we’re well over 100. Gracias Tio for helping us find a better life when our country of origin wasn’t the vision of home we wanted to live. For me and mine, the indoctrinations of Cuban communism were taking away our oxygen and you helped us get back our breath. Just 90 miles away was our prison and the freedom we saw on your shores was a dream that sustained us. The American Dream is still sustaining us.
Gracias por tu apoyo Tio. BB knows what her life would have been without your hospitality. A childhood with daily political propaganda in my school, and summers in camps cutting caña. Neighbors waiting to recount my life to a comite, food rationed and having to shop the black market for daily necessities. Knowing my family, and my children were to live this life in Cuba, your homeland querido Tio saved me from the horrors of mine.
So it is with heartfelt and sincere gratitude I thank you for all you’ve done and represented to Babushka and millions of others. May you celebrate many more cumpleaños Tio Sam and may they be a continued dream, aspiration, and inspiration to many more.


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