Finding Personal Motivation for the New Year!

Finding Personal Motivation for the New Year! By Angel Pomales / At one point in time in my life, I felt depressed and did not know how to get my life back on track. I wanted to start achieving the goals I knew I was capable of, but it…

Finding Personal Motivation for the New Year!

By Angel Pomales /

At one point in time in my life, I felt depressed and did not know how to get my life back on track. I wanted to start achieving the goals I knew I was capable of, but it seemed harder and harder every day. It is difficult when you are on a ship with the Navy sailing uncharted waters for months, especially at a time before internet and emails. One day on the ship, I decided to go to the library for help. I felt that it was the only place I could really get some answers to implement a plan to change my life. I wanted to be better at everything I did and knew there must be at least one book that could point me in the right direction. Out of nowhere, I grab the book “Awaken the Giant Within” by Tony Robbins. Why this book, I have no idea, but immediately opened the book and read all the testimonials of what others had to say about the book and the author. I immediately checked the book out and started to read.

As I continue to read, I realized that the words written in this book were actually related to what was happening to me. Page after page, tears just fell from my eyes. Night after night, I would grab my book and would find the best place to read my new treasure. Immediately, my life started to change. Reading this book and implementing a plan to change my life became my number one priority. One challenge that I had to learn to overcome was learning the English language. It was hard for me to speak, since Spanish was my native language. This made taking advancement tests more challenging. I resolve to read more books until I made it a habit. I started to expand my education and study harder for my advancements exams. Within 6 months, I passed the exam which I had previously failed. From there, I quickly advanced to the next rank with amazing scores.

After close to twenty-two years, I retired from the United States Navy and was always one of the top Sailor’s in my specialty. Today, I have been blessed to be able to work on new business ideas with professional athletes and world class entrepreneurs, changing lives of others here and abroad.

In today’s world, there are places we can find motivation, from books, the internet, and from the examples of other successful people. Since we live in a time where technology is advancing rapidly, we can access this information on our tablets and phones at any time. A key is to have a good routine. I start my day watching motivational speeches on YouTube to remind myself of my goals in life and of the mission I set out to accomplish. Goals are never easy to achieve, you have to work hard for them. Les Brown is a motivational speaker that I follow often, he says, “If you do what is easy, your life will be hard, but if you do what is hard, your life will be easy”. Many of us don’t accomplish our dreams in life because we tend to procrastinate. Stop procrastinating and start doing something; read books, search the internet for ways you can accomplish your goals, start taking action today. Do it for you, for your love ones, don’t wait until is too late.

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